New Portrait
Summer in the Garden
“In themselves pictures are beyond words, beyond concepts, beyond thought, they invoke the presence of the world on the world’s terms, which also means that everything that has been thought and written in this book stops being valid the moment your gaze meets the canvas.”
― Karl Ove Knausgård, Så mye lengsel på så liten flate. En bok om Edvard Munchs bilder
Mock Orange Painting
Mock Orange Painting, oil on canvas, 2022
Boris Pahor
Boris Pahor:
”In v resnici je poleg ljubezni, ki je nedvomno prva, plemeniti upor proti krivični stvarnosti največ, kar lahko prispevamo za rešitev človeškega dostojanstva.”’ Boris Pahor, Necrolopis
”And in fact, in addition to love, which is undoubtedly the first, noble rebellion against unjust reality is the most we can contribute to the solution of human dignity.” Boris Pahor, Necrolopis
Homage to Boris Pahor, Tamara Jare, oil on canvas, 2022