Coffee cup and books
Coffee cup and books, painting detail from my new still life in making. Can’t wait to finish it!
Coffee cup and books, painting detail from my new still life in making. Can’t wait to finish it!
Garden painting series, work in progress, is on my drawing desk right now, as Garden has been my inspiration since I remember. All the colors, smell of the flowers, contact with soil, way to immerse in nature, to escape daily life in a way, just to be part of it in its most profound way. My new painting series works on capturing all those elementary senzations from the garden. When all the colors and hues overtake over senses, when there are only fragrance from the flower bed and birds singing left. When the smell of the soil fills the air and sun colors all the greens even greener. When garden beds fill the horizon and everything seems possible. When the perception of the entire garden shrinks in its most fundamental elements, when colors, lines and textures left play with the time of memories from the future….
Bouquet no. XVI , some reflections
I still work hard on capturing the subtle moment of a gaze. A moment when I feel trembling of the summer light among the petals of a flower. When a small reflection on the porcelain vase reminds me there have been summers like this. When I know there will be colors like today, this tiny little flower will be reborn next July again,and the sky will be as blue as today. But newer again there won’t be that feeling I have today, never again there won’t be that mingling of the late afternoon summer light like it is today at that hour of the late July afternoon……. Analyzing the croquis of all those feelings, using all the colors, brushstrokes I could to catch them, I decided to title this work in a numerical way, building an archive of captured moments ordered in a sort of a scientific way, Bouquet no. XVI ,just to save them in an unpredictable, visual way…
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