Daffodils Bouquet in Times of April Snow
Daffodils Bouquet in Times of April Snow, oil on canvas, 2021
Daffodils are among the first spring flowers in our garden. Their yellow and white blossoms seem as a sort of floral stars, or little suns perhaps, reflecting the strong sunlight of early spring. As this year unusual April snow was predicted, I picked a bouquet of daffodils, to save at least some of them. Indeed next morning snow came, turning the landscape back to winter, silhouettes of near by hills appeared like cut from white paper against the bright blue sky with many clouds bringing even more snow. Daffodils bouquet in green glass vase by the window reflected all those shades of the late April snow. Flower petals appeared almost as made from glassine paper, catching the scarce warmth from the morning sun rays into their translucent shapes. What an abundance of the light caught in the shades of the daffodil’s yellows and whites against the sharp colors of the landscape! Just a feast to paint!