RAW, the ninth edition of Rome Art Week
RAW – Rome Art Week aims to be a gift for Rome, for its ability to blend past and
contemporary, for Roman citizens and art lovers, to allow them to explore the city
from another perspective.
Rome Art Week will invite critics and authoritative operators from the contemporary
art field to give their vision on the state of contemporary art in Rome and to provide
us with a guide through the routes to visit during the RAW week.
Date: October 21st – 26th
Venue: Rossocinabro Gallery, Via Raffaele Cadorna 28, Roma
Meeting: Saturday, October 26th 6-8pm

XX Contemporary Day- Made by Human
Promoted by AMACI
Association of Contemporary Italian Art Museums
AMACI is the Association of 24 Italian Contemporary Art Museums. On Saturday,
October 12th 2024, the Day of Contemporary Art will take place, the annual event
organized by AMACI to bring art to the general public.
In its twentieth edition, the Day of Contemporary Art will once again open the doors
of 24 AMACI museums, along with approximately a thousand institutions throughout
Italy and abroad, to showcase artists and new ideas through exhibitions, workshops,
events, and conferences. It is a diverse program that, year after year, has provided
the general public with the opportunity to experience the complex and vibrant world
of contemporary art, making the event organized by AMACI the annual kickoff to the
art season in Italy.
Date: October 7th – 12th
Venue: Rossocinabro Gallery, Via Raffaele Cadorna 28, Roma
Meeting: Saturday 12 October 12th 6-8pm

Best of 10th Annual Autumnal
Tamara Jare art featured at The 10th Annual Autumnal Exhibition at ARTHOUSE.NYC, New York City’s premier digital art gallery, has been selected among the Best of 10th Annual Autumnal for the exhibition at BIG SCREEN PLAZA NYC.
Big Screen Plaza is an arts media organization in New York City that owns and operates a 30 ft. digital billboard overlooking a 10,000 sq. ft. public plaza. Throughout the year, the screen displays a rotating collection of digital exhibitions, including photography, visual art, and more. Big Screen Plaza partners with New York artistic & cultural institutions. Located between the Empire State Building, Madison Square Garden, and the art galleries of Chelsea, the plaza’s central location provides an ideal venue for generating exposure for local and international artists. Big Screen Plaza‘s ongoing aim is to serve as a nodal point for artistic entertainment and cultural innovation coming out of New York and beyond.

10th Annual Autumnal Exhibition at ARTHOUSE.NYC, New York City
Tamara Jare art featured at The 10th Annual Autumnal Exhibition at ARTHOUSE.NYC, New York City’s premier digital art gallery, brings together the creative visions of over 60 talented artists. This year’s exhibition showcases an eclectic mix of painting, collage, photography, and digital art, each piece capturing the rich essence of the autumn season. From the vibrant hues of fall foliage to the introspective mood of shorter days, the artwork explores the beauty and depth of this transitional time of year. The exhibition promises a visual celebration of autumn’s unique charm, blending diverse mediums and artistic expressions in a dynamic display of creativity.
10th Annual Autumnal
SEPT. 23RD @6-9PM
9 West 8th Street btwn 5th-6th Ave.
Best of 10th Annual Autumnal
Plaza Behind the Kimpton Hotel on
W. 29th and 6th Ave

Arte Padova 2017, 9. -13. November 2017, Padova, Italy
Arte Fiera Dolomiti 2018,17. – 18. and 23. – 25. February 2018, Longarone, Italy
Art Parma Fair 2018 fall edition, Parma, Italy
La Magia del Blu, Barchessa Villa Quaglia Gallery Invitational Exhibition, Treviso, Italy, June 2019
Social Distancing International Virtual Exhibition, Michael Rose Fine Art ,May – June 2020
Create because we care, Big Screen Plaza New York City, USA, summer, autumn 2020
USTVARJALNOST KIPARJA FRANCETA AHČINA, Menačenkova domačija, Domžale, 8. September – 17. October 2020, Domžale, Slovenia
Lifeline, Galleria della Biblioteca Angelica, Rome, Italy, September – October 2021
Galleria la Pigna – Palazzo Maffei Marescotti, Rome, Italy, January – February 4 2022
The Other Art Fair, Virtual Edition Spring 2022,May – June
AQUA and ECOLOGY AS A FEELING, 8° Contemporary Day AMACI ,Curated by Rossocinabro Gallery, Il Leone Art Gallery, Rome, Italy, October 1st – 8th 2022
Artist of the Month, Big Screen Plaza , New York City, USA, October 2022
Share Your Art, Big Screen Plaza, New York City, USA, February 2nd – March 31st. 2023
“Interspaces: beyond the tangible”, Galleria la Pigna, Rome, Italy, Maj- June 2023
Firenze Contemporary 2 – Armando Xhomo gallery a cura di Rossocinabro, Firenze, Italy, June 2023
Breaking Illusion, Borgo Pio Art Gallery, Rome, Italy, 7 -13 October 2023
10th Annual Autumnal Exhibition , ARTHOUSE, New York City, USA, September 23 – October 13 2024
Best of 10th Annual Autumnal, Big Screen Plaza, New York City, USA, September 28, 2024
Made by Human, XX Contemporary Day AMACI, Rossocinabro Gallery, Rome, Italy, October 7th – 12th 2024
Singles Twins, RAW, Rossocinabro Gallery, Rome, Italy, October 21th -26th 2024
Frozen moments, Fluid Time, Rossocinabro Gallery, Rome, Italy, 4 – 27 November 2024
RESORT online exhibit, Aedra Fine Arts, Atlanta, Georgia – United States, start date: December,11,2024
Diversity Contemporary II, Rossocinabro Gallery, Rome, Italy,10 December 2024 – 31 January 2025