Painting August Flowers
Alda Merini Portrait Oil on Canvas
I don’t need money.
I need feelings,
words, wisely chosen words,
flowers called thoughts,
roses called presences
dreams that live in the trees,
songs that make the statues dance,
stars that whisper
in the lovers’ ear.
I need poetry,
this magic that burns
the heaviness of the words,
that awakens emotions and creates new colours.
Alda Merini
Coffee at Andrassy Street
Peaches and Flowers
Portrait of Rosalba Carriera
Portrait of Rosalba Carriera – after Self-Portrait Holding a Portrait of Her Sister, oil on canvas, 2023
Rosalba Carriera (12 January 1673[1][2] – 15 April 1757) was a Venetian Rococo painter. In her younger years, she specialized in portrait miniatures. Carriera would later become known for her pastel portraits, helping popularize the medium in eighteenth-century Europe. She is remembered as one of the most successful women artists of any era…
Carriera was the first female painter to initiate a new style in the art community.[16] The Rococo style emphasized the use of pastel colors; spontaneous brush strokes, dancing lights, subtle surface tonalities and a soft, elegant and charming approach to subject matter. She was known for dragging the sides of white chalk across an under-drawing of darker tones to capture the shimmering texture of lace and satin. She was also able to highlight facial features and the soft cascades of powdered hair.[10] Because of her, artists created work in the style for nearly a century.
Her best-known self-portrait is one she contributed to the Medici collection of self-portraits at the Uffizi Gallery in Florence. This piece was different because she veered away from idealizing herself, as was a custom of the era. Instead, she was brusque and honest in her representation, featuring a larger nose, thin lips and a deep dimple in her chin. She holds a portrait of her sister and assistant Giovanna, whom she was very close to…..from
Self Portrait after Rosalba Carriera Portrait of Felicita Sartori in Turkish Costume
Self Portrait after Rosalba Carriera Portrait of Felicita Sartori in Turkish Costume, oil on canvas, 2023
Human Beings
Esseri umani / Parole in circolo (2015)
Lily of the valley
The lily of the valley,
Paul Laurence Dunbar
Sweetest of the flowers a-blooming
In the fragrant vernal days
Is the Lily of the Valley
With its soft, retiring ways.
Well, you chose this humble blossom
As the nurse’s emblem flower,
Who grows more like her ideal
Every day and every hour.
Like the Lily of the Valley
In her honesty and worth,
Ah, she blooms in truth and virtue
In the quiet nooks of earth.
Tho’ she stands erect in honor
When the heart of mankind bleeds,
Still she hides her own deserving
In the beauty of her deeds.
In the silence of the darkness
Where no eye may see and know,
There her footsteps shod with mercy,
And fleet kindness come and go.
Not amid the sounds of plaudits,
Nor before the garish day,
Does she shed her soul’s sweet perfume,
Does she take her gentle way.
But alike her ideal flower,
With its honey-laden breath,
Still her heart blooms forth its beauty
In the valley shades of death.
Lily of the valley bouquet, oil on canvas, 2023
Art must mount a full-scale attack on language itself,
by means of language and its surrogates, on behalf of the standard of silence.
Susan Sontag.
I talk too much.
The Things are:
a flower
a grain of sand
a spark.
And all together.
Translator bulgarian-english: : Milena Veleva
There are artificial paradises
and they come slowly from the distance
of the North. I have seen a crocodile
kissing the frontiers and grazing in the pasture
with a shocked Orpheus between his arms.
― Alda Merini